Generating graduates who have excellence knowledge in financial accounting.


Sharia Banking, Financial Accounting, Taxation


Generating graduates who have excellence knowledge both in management and entrepreneurship.


Marketing, Human Resources, Financial Management, and Sharia banking managaement


School of Economics ‘Solusi Bisnis Indonesia; (STIE SBI) is an experienced college in economic and business. We offer an excellent education quality which is delivered by our experienced lecturers. Supported by strategic campus location and continuously updated curriculum to match with current work demands.

Mochamad Hardin,S.E.

Management, 2016

Promotion Coordinator for Jogja and Central Java Region. PT Excelcomindo.

Promotion Coordinator for Jogja and Central Java Region. PT Excelcomindo.
I learnt many positive things when I was studying in STIE SBI. All of the subjects that I took are very useful in developing my career. The facilities are excellent and the curriculum is always updated with the current demands. I love STIE SBI

Umar Wira Kusuma,S.E.

Management, 2006

Civil Government Servant

Thanks God, I am very happy. My dream to become a Civil Government Servant has come true. I am now accepted as a Civil Government Servant in Mentawai Islands. STIE SBI really contributed to my career. STIE SBI is The Best.

Titi Sari Suryorini,S.E.

Accounting, 2005

Employee in Bank BTPN

I feel the benefits of studying at STIE SBI after I worked in the bank. The lessons I had learned at STIE SBI really help my career development. Thank you, STIE SBI. 

R.Brasto Galih Nugroho, S.E.,S.I.P.

Management, 2004

Employee in PT. Pertamina Persero

When I was studying in STIE SBI, I was very active in extra-curricular activities. Once, I was a Chairman of the student senate in STIE SBI. By joining various extra curricular activities, I have a wide range of network in the Senate of Indonesian Students Association (ISMEI) and Islamic Studies Forum (FoSSEI). My academic result (cumlaude GPA 3.63) and those extra-curricular experience in STIE SBI has helped me to score a job in one of The Indonesian biggest company, PT Pertamina (Persero).

